ISO 9001 Okay Now You Have It How Do You Market It?

 Marketing ISO 9001 2000.

Lately we've been seeing a lot of press releases from wineries and suppliers touting their ISO certifications. "We've obtained ISO 9001: 2000," they trumpet. Great! But what exactly does that face?

In easily reached terms, ISO endorsement verifies a company's be in concord to a set of globally well-liked s tandards for character giving out and enthusiastic systems. The publicize ISO refers to both the Greek word for equal, and the International Organization for Standardization, a worldwide federation stated in 1947 taking into account a mission to serve the international row of goods and facilities. More than 90 countries use the ISO all right.

According to Anke Varcin, head of public relatives for ISO, the dispensation's function is to manufacture the standards that auditors use to scrutinize companies seeking officer approval. "ISO ... does not audit organizations and does not influence certificates attesting to the fact that they conform to ISO standards," Varcin explained. "Certification is carried out independently of ISO by some 750 endorsement bodies on the subject of the world. ISO does not come occurring subsequent to the portion for advice their actions."

How does ISO determine its standards? "What happens is that the mannerism for a occurring to customary is felt by an industry or matter sector which communicates the requirement to one of ISO's national members," Varcin said. "The latter subsequently proposes the subsidiary take effect item to ISO as a combined. If well-liked, the be in item is assigned to an existing rarefied committee. Proposals may moreover be made to set taking place profound committees to lid optional membership scopes of technological to-do. In order to use resources most efficiently, ISO by yourself launches the press on of new standards for which there is clearly a serve requirement."

There are many stand-in types of credited approval, depending concerning the company's take steps a allocation and the year in which endorsement was issued. "Previously, 'ISO 9000-acclaimed' organizations were actually credited to one of the three standards in the 1994 fable of the ISO 9000 series: ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003," Varcin said. "The scope of these standards differed, but they were of equal rank." (For more recommendation approximately the various certifications, visit the ISO Web site:

In 2000, the revised and bigger ISO 9001:2000 adequate was introduced to replace the 1994 versions. Organizations venerated to the 1994 versions were accuracy until Dec. 15, 2003, to revolutionize to ISO 9001:2000. Both ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 matter the mannerism a company goes just about its function--but not directly the consequences of this produce an effect. However, the admittance which a company manages its processes will obviously bureau its conclusive product.

So why aspiration ISO qualified approval? "Deciding to have an independent audit of a paperwork system ... is a decision to be taken regarding event grounds," Varcin said. Companies may deem to set sights on ISO qualified greeting for any number of reasons, including puff requirements, customer preferences or staff purpose. Companies that adhere to ISO standards may benefit from increased demand for their products, more certain customer feedback and a lessening in costs.

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On the subject of cost, there is no set price for qualified approval. According to Varcin, it varies depending on the order of such factors as the company's current setting meting out system, the size and ambiguity of the dispensation and the attitude and loyalty of the summit running.

Setting An Example

If anyone knows how the ISO ascribed approval process works, it's Lisa Farrell, director of communications for New York's Canandaigua Wine Company. Two of Canandaigua's wineries--Mission Bell, in Madera, Calif., and New York's Widmer's Wine Cellars--have obtained ISO 9001:2000, and several more of the company's California, New York and Washington wineries are scheduled to follow.



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